Our Commitment to Community
The Enter name of company]’s charitable giving campaign is just one of the many ways to show commitment to the community. Charitable contributions help address some of the most critical issues facing our society today. Whether it’s advocating for human rights, creating educational opportunities, or supporting any cause you care about, together we are making a difference. I am proud of Enter name of company] team and our continued generosity.
[Enter name of company] is excited to open enrollment in our employee workplace charitable giving program to employees! Our workplace giving campaign will run from [enter dates of campaign]. It’s an opportunity for you to pledge their financial support to the charity or charities of your choice by convenient payroll deduction or credit card.
This year we have partnered with America's Charities, which inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care about, to manage our workplace giving campaign. If you have any questions about the campaign or America’s Charities, please contact [enter name of campaign coordinator and contact info].
Be sure to revisit the site all year long for updates on our corporate philanthropy initiatives, volunteer opportunities and, of course, your printable tax receipt!
Thank you for all you do!